WBHO, South Africa/Mozambique
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for a new, gas-fired power generation plant.
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for a new, gas-fired power generation plant.
Provision of process consulting and troubleshooting services to resolve operational issues in a tank farm (dispatch and receiving) and fuel transfer system.
Provision of process engineering and design services for a number of tank farm, fuel depot, gas station (metering and let-down) and pipeline projects.
Provision of process engineeering design services for a white products tank farm modifications.
Provision of process engineering support for a natural gas safety system specification.
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for a new multi-products fuel pipeline.
Provision of HAZOP facilitation services for a brownfields water treatment facility.
Provision of Value Engineering consulting services.
Provision of HAZOP facilitation services for a new firewater system.