Continuation of the detailed design and execution for the PSA OBL project which is part of the PSA gas and liquid network expansion and includes a number of gas and multi-phase fluid wells, associated surface facilities and a network of flowlines to the Central Processing Facility and new PSA plant.
AVEC is providing process design services to Energas to support a number of their projects including an LNG vapouriser station to provide natural gas to Consol Glass.
Continuation of the provision of process input to the FEED design package and compilation of the proposed contract documents, including the FIDIC main contract review and the Employer’s Requirements.
Continuation of the provision of risk management services for a number of VGI projects including the MSP filters project in Mozambique, the ILI pigging project in South Africa and Mozambique and the pipeline inspection project in Mozambique. This involves co-ordinating the risk review meetings, keeping the risk register up-to-date, tracking existing risks, identifying new risks […]