VGI / Econ Oil
Avec provided Process and Mechanical engineering as well as risk services for the design of a New Econ Oil & Energy bulk fuel handling and storage facility at Nigel. The facility will have a total fuel storage capacity of 100 000 000 litres (100 000m3).
VGI / Energy Group / Ardagh Glass
Mechanical and piping engineering, risk and specialized process consulting for the upgrades of the Energy Groups high pressure, customer metering stations (HPCMSs) at the Ardagh facilities in Clayville and Nigel
VGI / Sasol Gas Mozambique
Avec Provided Process and Mechanical Engineering as well as risk services for the Detail Engineering of a fixed, enclosed ground flare system that will be installed for the T-23 Alternative Condensate Re-injection Project at the Central Processing Facility (CPF) in Temane.
VGI / Sasol Gas Mozambique
Continuation of the Detail Engineering Design for the PEDOP (Plateau Extension and Decline Optimisation Program) Infill Wells Project consists of 3 (three) new wells, of which there are 2 (two) new infill wells and 1 (one) re-drill.
Sasol Gas Mozambique
Continuation of the detailed design and execution for the PSA OBL project which is part of the PSA gas and liquid network expansion and includes a number of gas and multi-phase fluid wells, associated surface facilities and a network of flowlines to the Central Processing Facility and new PSA plant.
VGI / Sasol Gas Mozambique
AVEC provided Process and Mechanical Engineering as well as risk services on the Basic Engineering for a new MSP tie-in and additional LNG supply. This includes a new metering station through which an independent Re-gassed Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) supplier can supply RLNG into the Mozambique-Secunda Pipeline (MSP). This enables the supply of RLNG into the MSP to supply gas into South Africa via ROMPCO’s MSP.
AVEC provided process engineering and Risk services for the Detail Engineering and Construction Management for a new
skid mounted High-Pressure Customer Metering Stations (HPCMS) to supply Natural Gas to Safira.
VGI / Sasol Gas Mozambique
AVEC provided Process Engineering, Engineering Management and Risk Management services during the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for the PEDOP (Plateau Extension and Decline Optimisation Program) Infill Wells Project consists of 3 (three) new wells, of which there are 2 (two) new infill wells and 1 (one) re-drill. The objective of PEDOP Infill Wells Project is to optimise gas recovery from the PPA reservoirs and to meet gas sales nominations.
Sasol Gas Mozambique
Continuation of the detailed design and execution for the PSA OBL project which is part of the PSA gas and liquid network expansion and includes a number of gas and multi-phase fluid wells, associated surface facilities and a network of flowlines to the Central Processing Facility and new PSA plant.
Sasol Gas Mozambique
Continuation of the detailed design and execution for the PSA OBL project which is part of the PSA gas and liquid network expansion and includes a number of gas and multi-phase fluid wells, associated surface facilities and a network of flowlines to the Central Processing Facility and new PSA plant.
AVEC is providing process design services to Energas to support a number of their projects including an LNG vapouriser station to provide natural gas to Consol Glass.
BGC & MGC Mozambique
Continuation of the provision of process input to the FEED design package and compilation of the proposed contract documents, including the FIDIC main contract review and the Employer’s Requirements.
VGI – Risk Management
Continuation of the provision of risk management services for a number of VGI projects including the MSP filters project in Mozambique, the ILI pigging project in South Africa and Mozambique and the pipeline inspection project in Mozambique. This involves co-ordinating the risk review meetings, keeping the risk register up-to-date, tracking existing risks, identifying new risks and mitigations and ensuring that these are followed up and closed out.
VGI – Risk Management
AVEC’s team is providing risk management services for a number of VGI projects including the MSP filters project in Mozambique, the ILI pigging project in South Africa and Mozambique and the pipeline inspection project in Mozambique. This involves co-ordinating the risk review meetings, keeping the risk register up-to-date, tracking existing risks, identifying new risks and mitigations and ensuring that these are followed up and closed out.
BGC & MGC Mozambique
BGC and MGC’s project in Mozambique involves the importation of LNG, which is to be vapourised and fed into the network to support existing and future gas operations. AVEC is providing process design input and HAZOP services to support the VGI project team during the FEED phase of work.
Renergen Tetra4 Phase 2
Renergen is investigating phase 2 expansion requirements for their Virginia gas gathering and LNG/LHe project. AVEC’s process engineers are providing design input as part of the Owner’s Team for the evaluation of the selected Contractor’s FEED design and includes design reviews and HAZOPs.
Sasol Gas Mozambique
As part of the VGI project team, AVEC’s process engineers are providing detailed design and HAZOP services for a multiple well extension to the Mozambican gas network. The PSA OBL project involves detailed engineering, procurement and construction management services for a number of wells, surface facilities and flowlines.
SA Candle
Process consulting services to investigate the potential of soy wax production in South Africa from locally-sourced soybean oil.
Renergen Tetra4
Continuation of the Owner’s Technical Representative during project execution to provide process engineering consulting services for the new, multiple well, gas gathering system with two compression and conditioning stations, further processing to produce LNG and liquid Helium products, together with all associated utilities, services and infrastructure.
VGI/Std Bank & PR
Continuation of the technical advisor role to the bank and equity partners for three new gas pressure let-down and conditioning systems plus associated pipelines.
Continuation of Process design and consulting services, including risk assessments and multiple HAZOPs, for the decommissioning of the Durban-Johannesburg petroleum products pipeline and various feeder and mothballed lines.
Energas & VGI
Provision of process engineering and design services for a new gas supply system including pressure and temperature conditioning
Renergen Tetra4
Continuation of the Owner’s Technical Representative during project execution to provide process engineering consulting services for the new, multiple well, gas gathering system with two compression and conditioning stations, further processing to produce LNG and liquid Helium products, together with all associated utilities, services and infrastructure.
VGI/Std Bank & PR
Continuation of the technical advisor role to the bank and equity partners for three new gas pressure let-down and conditioning systems plus associated pipelines.
Continuation of Process design and consulting services, including risk assessments and multiple HAZOPs, for the decommissioning of the Durban-Johannesburg petroleum products pipeline and various feeder and mothballed lines.
Renergen Tetra4
Continuation of the Owner’s Technical Representative providing process engineering consulting services for a new, multiple well, gas gathering system with two compression and conditioning stations, further processing to produce LNG and liquid Helium products, together with all associated utilities, services and infrastructure.
VGI/Standard Bank & Pembani Remgro
Technical advisor to the bank and equity partners for new gas pressure let-down and conditioning systems plus associated pipelines.
Process design for the feasibility study for black powder removal from a natural gas long-distance transmission pipeline.
VGI/Consol Glass
Provision of process design and HAZOP services for three new natural gas pressure let-down stations and piping systems.
Provision of process design and consulting services for a new LNG supply system from the LNG ship to the onshore line up to the client battery limit.
Continued process design and consulting services, including risk assessments and multiple HAZOPs, for the decommissioning of the Durban-Johannesburg petroleum products pipeline and various feeder and mothballed lines.
VGI/Transnet Pipelines Limited (TPL)
Process design and consulting services, including risk assessments and multiple HAZOPs, for the decommissioning of the Durban-Johannesburg petroleum products pipeline and various feeder and mothballed lines.
VGI/Novo Highveld Steel
Process design services and HAZOP for a new compressed natural gas system including compressors, cylinder storage, distribution and dispensing facilities.
VGI – Sasol: MSP Filtration
Process engineering design services to support VGI for the new MSP filtration system design for black powder in a natural gas pipeline.
Renergen Tetra 4
Acting as Owner’s Technical Representative providing process engineering consulting services for a new, multiple well, gas gathering system with two compression and conditioning stations, further processing to produce LNG and liquid Helium products, together with all associated utilities, services and infrastructure.
VGI – various projects
Process consulting services and HAZOP facilitation for various projects including gas well pigging in Mozambique, heavy fuel oil storage and transportation and LPG storage and distribution for a housing development in South Africa.
Energas technologies
Process consulting services for the SAB metering station
SLG – HAZOP for gas system
HAZOP facilitation services for a PRS and conditioning station.
SLG – gas off-loading, conditioning and PRS
Process design and consulting services for a new gas off-loading station, combined with gas conditioning and pressure reduction to various consumers.
Aecom – gas off-loading, pressure reduction and conditioning
Process design and consulting services for a new gas off-loading, pressure reduction and conditioning station.
Energas – various
Process consulting services for various natural gas pipeline and let-down stations
Provision of process engineering design services for a new natural gas let-down station for a power station
VGI/Novo Energy, South Africa
Process design services for a new natural gas compression and dispatch facility
VGI/Sastech, Mozambique
Process design services and HAZOP facilitation for a new MGC gas metering station
VGI/Nampak, South Africa
Process design services for a new HPCMS gas supply
VGI/Kumba, South Africa
Process engineering site support for the construction of a new diesel tank farm
ArcelorMittal, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for two new gas-fired boilers: design and installation.
WBHO/Parsons Brickerhoff, Mozambique
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for a new fire water and OWS system.
Murray & Roberts, Ghana
Provision of process engineering design and consulting services for a new white petroleum products import facility and tank farm.
Transnet, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP and scribe services for the NMPP project: tight-lining operations
Veolia, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for a new and upgraded waste water treatement works
Energas, South Africa
Provision of process engineering services for a natural gas pipeline let-down station
VGI/Kumba Iron Ore, South Africa
Provision of process engineering services for a new diesel and additives tank farm – concept and basic engineering
WBHO, South Africa/Mozambique
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for a new, gas-fired power generation plant.
VGI/Kumba, South Africa
Provision of process consulting and troubleshooting services to resolve operational issues in a tank farm (dispatch and receiving) and fuel transfer system.
VGI, South Africa
Provision of process engineering and design services for a number of tank farm, fuel depot, gas station (metering and let-down) and pipeline projects.
Murray & Roberts, Ghana/South Africa
Provision of process engineeering design services for a white products tank farm modifications.
Energas, South Africa
Provision of process engineering support for a natural gas safety system specification.
Transnet, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for a new multi-products fuel pipeline.
Fluor/Natref, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitation services for a brownfields water treatment facility.
MottMacDonald/KGOC, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Provision of Value Engineering consulting services.
Kantey & Templer, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitation services for a new firewater system.
VGI, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitation services for a number of projects, including tank farms and fire water systems.
Fluor/SAPREF, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitation services for all new and modified units for the clean fuels project.
Easigas, South Africa
Provision of process engineering design services for a safety system for a natural gas project.
WSP Environmental, South Africa
Provision of process engineering and design services for a waste identification project: quantification and assessment.
VGI, South Africa
Provision of process engineering & design services to action and close-out HAZOP recommendations.
Turner & Townsend, South Africa
Provision of process engineering design and technical audit services for a multi-billion Rand project.
FLDSmidth, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP faciliation and scribe services for a new de-dusting and baghouse project: design and installation.
VGI/Sasol Gas, Mozambique
Provision of process engineering and design services for a new natural gas pipeline and let-down station.
KBR, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitator services for a new cyanide stroage and handling facility.
NMPP Alliance, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for the inland tank farm and white products pipeline TM2 design changes/modifications.
Easigas, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for a new LPG facility.
VGI/Sasol Oil, South Africa
Provision of process engineering services for the evaluation of a fire protection system and design of a new tank farm.
Paterson & Cooke, Morocco
Provision of HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for a new phosphate slurry pipeline.
Turner & Townsend, South Africa
Provision of process engineering and consulting services for a new tyre manufacturing facility.
VGI/Sasol Oil, South Africa
Process engineering services for the evaluation of fire protection systems and the design thereof.
Impala Platinum, South Africa
Provision of engineering & design services (all discipines) as the owners representative, to conduct a review of the engineering & CBE for a new multi-billion Rand PMR facility.
Easigas, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for a new gas storage and supply system.
VGI/Sasol, South Africa
Provision of process engineering and design to support a new additives facility at a petroleum products depot project.
Rio Tinto Alcan, Canada/France
Provision of process engineering consulting services to evaluate a new solvent-extraction (S-X) technology.
PDNA, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for a lime slaker facility.
VGI, Alrode, South Africa
Process support services for the pump test witnessing, end-of-job documentation and construction handover.
Sastech, South Africa
Hydraulic modeling of an existing Boiler Feed Water (BFW) circuit to assist with problem identification and solution.
ArcelorMittal, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for a new blast furnace gas holder.
Paterson & Cooke, South Africa/Morocco
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for a new phosphate slurry pipeline system
Rio Tinto Alcan, Oman
Process Consulting Services for the evaluation of 2 existing refineries for the production of anode-grade coke
RNE, South Africa
Provision of HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for the Durban Wax Expansion Project
Goldfields, South Africa
Peer review and audit for a new multi-billion rand tailings treatment facility
VGI / Sasol Gas, South Africa
Gas Network Enhancement Project (GNEP) – Process support for concept and basic engineering
Sastech / Sasol, South Africa
Conceptual engineering to provide demineralised water for new process units
VGI, South Africa
Provision of mechanical engineering services
VGI/Burgan Oil, South Africa
Pre-Concept study for a new bulk liquid petroleum products storage terminal at Ngqura Port
Monitor Group, Saudi Arabia
Technical Assistance for the investigation of specific equipment manufacture
Industrial Development Group Consortium, Rwanda
Pre-feasibility study for a GTL facility using Lake Kivu Gas
Impala/Zimplats, Zimbabwe
Peer Review and Audit of the capital cost estimate for the Zimplats Base Metal Refinery Expansion Bankable Feasibility Study
RNE, South Africa
OBL & Ethylene Plant – HAZOP facilitator and scribe services
VGI / Sastech, South Africa
New Gas Pipeline (GNP) -Project management and process engineering services for basic engineering
E+PC, Republic of Congo
Consulting services and process engineering support for the basic/detailed engineering for a new potash plant
African Energy Resources, South Africa
Consulting Services to the owners team for a new uranium project
United National Breweries SA
Technical Review of Sorghum Breweries – Technical Assessments (Operations and Maintenance) of 5 Breweries for Nedbank and Client
CabGOC, Angola
PHA / HAZOP Studies – HAZOP facilitator and scribe for a number of offshore platforms
Sastech / Sasol, South Africa
Solvents Growth NAC Handling – Conceptual engineering to provide alternatives for handling NAC’s
VGI, South Africa
Alrode Fuel Depot – Process support for concept and basic engineering
CabGOC, Angola
C&E/SAFE Chart Studies – Cause & Effect and SAFE chart evaluations for off-shore facilities
Sastech/Sasol, South Africa
Value-Added Alliance – Opportunity Investigation – Investigation of various value-adding opportunities at Sasol, Secunda site
VGI, South Africa, Secunda
Natref Pipeline – Process support for concept and basic engineering
VGI, South Africa
Process review of design for Jet Fuel Storage at King Shaka Airport
Nehawu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Pre-feasibility study for Methane gathering from Lake Kivu and further processing options
L’Oreal, South Africa
HAZOP facilitation and scribe services for the relocation of processing equipment
Sastech / Sasol, South Africa
Value Added Projects – Various eg. Refinery optimization, product recovery improvement
VGI / ACSA, South Africa
Additional Jet Fuel Facilities for OR Tambo Airport – Basic engineering for new bulk storage facility and operating philosophy of existing facility
Impala Platinum, South Africa
Peer Review and audit of the capital cost estimates for the PMR Phase IV Expansion project
Monitor, Russia
Refinery Optimisation – Study to determine optimum configuration for upgrade of a group of refineries
CabGOC, Angola
IHAZID Risk Assessment and Evaluation – Terminal and Drilling Operations – Risk assessment facilitation and scribe services
IPG, Mozambique
New Petroleum Products Terminal and Storage Facilities – Conceptual engineering and design for a new petroleum storage terminal
Monitor, Russia
Evaluation of Refinery Assets and Investment Opportunity – Economic and technical pre-feasibility of refinery options
Sastech, South Africa
As building of Secunda U29/229 in order to establish baseline documentation to support growth project
GRD Minproc, South Africa
HAZOP – Platinum Concentrator – HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for a new platinum concentrator project
Worley Parsons Pangaea, South Africa
HAZOP- NMPP Projects – HAZOP facilitator and scribe services for the new multi-products pipeline project
CabGOC, Angola
PHA / HAZOP Studies – For a number of off-shore platforms and on-shore facilities
CabGOC, Angola
IHAZID Risk Assessment and Revaluation – Malongo Camp, Logistics and Well Servicing Operations IHAZID facilitator and scribe services
CabGOC, Angola
IHAZID Risk Assessment and Evaluation – Aviation and Medical – IHAZID facilitator and scribe services
MMR, Rwanda
Gas Recovery – Basic engineering for the prototype gas (methane) recovery system for Kale Kivu
LMDC, Lesotho
Various drawing and “as-built” works for diamond processing plant
E+PC / MagMinerals Inc., Republic of Congo
Provision of continuation services for the detailed engineering phase of work for the Kouilou Potash project
African Energy Resources Ltd, Zambia
Chirundu JV Project – Owner’s team project management and technical assistance for a uranium project